The Hobbit
The Hobbit by JRR Tolkien follows the hero's journey almost to a T. The novel begins with the protagonist, Bilbo, enjoying his quiet unassuming life in the Shire,a pleasant place that seems like the safest and most adorable comfortable community one could imagine (The Ordinary World 1/12). Bilbo is visited by a wizard Gandalf (and shortly after a company of dwarves) and is asked to embark on an adventure to help the dwarves as a burglar to reclaim their homeland (Call To Adventure 2/12). Upon hearing the details of this adventure, he refuses their request (Refusal of The Call 3/12). That night he speaks privately with Gandalf asking him a few questions and contemplating if he should join them (Meeting The Mentor 4/12).
The following morning, Bilbo changes his mind and furiously makes his way to join the company, leaving everything behind to join on an adventure (Crossing The Threshold 5/12). The company of dwarves accept Bilbo and together they encounter other “friends”, the Elves from Rivendell, the people of Laketown, the Eagles, and Beorn. In addition to his friends he also makes enemies, the Wargs, Wood Elves (debatable I know), and Goblins. Along their journey they encounter tests, including the trolls, giant spider, and Gollum (Tests, Allies, Enemies 6/12). The next step to the hero’s journey is “Approach to The Inmost Cave”, Bilbo literally encounters the cave where Smaug resides at the Lonely Mountain...pretty cut and dry there (Approach to The Inmost Cave 7/12).
There is a massive battle between five races of peoples, here is where Bilbo faces death (Ordeal 8/12). Upon the battles end, Bilbo is rewarded with a share of treasure, an elvish blade, and THE ring (Reward 9/12). Bilbo goes with Gandalf and Beorn journey together back to the Shire (Road Back 10/12). I don’t believe there is a clear resurrection or return with the elixir in The Hobbit , although I suppose Bilbo’s return to the Shire and seeing his home being auctioned off because he was believed to be dead could be considered a resurrection of sorts.
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